One of the greatest things that WOWgroup Global Fellowships is discovering is that Christian Fellowship is very much needed in order to make our families stronger.
In Acts 2:42 we learn that the early church devoted itself to “fellowship.” Fellowship was a very important part of their reason for meeting together. It was one of their objectives. But what does true fellowship mean?
Fellowship may mean that you have something in common, and that you may have the same purpose. "True Christian Fellowship" is simply having the ability to love the way Christ loves. It is having unity amongst one another, it is having communion with the Holy Spirit and allowing the Lord to guide us with all biblical truth.
WOWgroup Global Fellowships understands that the first ministry begins at home.
We are discovering together that we must invest more time with our loved ones, be more patient with them first, before pouring it into the lives of others. We are learning how to serve our family members in the name of God.
We are a light to the world, Jesus Christ lives in us and has given us grace. Those at the bowling alley today saw us laughing, helping our special needs children, cheering one another. Instead of losing our patience, throwing up our hands we are learning how to treat our family members the way we want them to treat us.
WOWgroup Global Fellowship~Family Fun Day is more richer and deeper than just a social gathering, it is our first ministry.