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Word of Wisdom Fellowships Founded in 1982 By Dr. Sandrie S. Smith - We are Caring people partnering together to touch the world by building men, women and families of character, vision and action to confidently make a difference. Through our diversed programs we seek to be a community minded organization with the world in mind and you at heart. Where everyone feels accepted, supported, challenged and affirmed. We have a Global vision with a local view. OUR VALUES………DEDICATED TO SERVING... COMMITTED TO INTEGRITY…PLEDGED TO EXCELLENCE…FOCUSED ON FAMILIES.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

What Does Resurrection Sunday Mean to You?

WOWgroup Global Fellowship NY celebrated Resurrection Sunday with praise and worship. Thanking God for His faithfulness to us all.

Casting Crowns Set Me Free was played as we watched a clip from the Passion of Christ. What an awesome loving personal God.

We shared Holy Communion and were reminded that Jesus broke bread with His disciples and called each one of them friend. How awesome is He to call us a friend.

Today we focused on the following question:
What Does Resurrection Sunday Mean to each one of us?

We had the opportunity to see two films and then give our personal insight. If you would like to see both clips click on the following:

The Tomb is Empty
Tell Everybody

After seeing both films, I can honestly say that both have reminded me of what Resurrection Sunday really is all about, but the one that really spoke to my spirit was the second clip.

We see in the second clip Mary Magdalene crying passionately about Jesus' body being removed from the tomb. We see Jesus behind her and he wants to console her, but he can't. Mary recognizes Jesus and tries to hold on to him. Jesus tells her to not hold on to him.

John 20:17

Jesus said, "Do not hold on to me, for I have not yet returned to the Father. Go instead to my brothers and tell them, 'I am returning to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God.'"

Jesus when he rose from the dead told Mary not to touch him. Jesus was telling Mary there is a new way ~ things are not the way it used to be. Jesus death on the cross and his resurrection created a new relationship between us and the Father (A New Covenant).

What Does Resurrection Sunday Mean to me?

Resurrection Sunday means that I have total access to the Father, because of Jesus obedience. I can know the Father as a loving, caring, personal, God and not like a distant force.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

God's Will

WOWgroup Global Fellowship NJ

Minister Richard Altreche delivered such a dynamic lesson reminding us that God's will for our lives is indeed perfect. The Bible shows us many ways of what God’s will is for us as believers.

1Thessalonians 5:18 tells us to 18“give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.”

We see here that part of the Lord's will instructs us to give thanks in all circumstances, again I say in “ALL” circumstances, something many of us find very hard to do over and over again.

Minister Richard Altreche gave us the following scenarios: you just received an eviction letter, or your boss just fired or laid you off, you just got into a car accident which incidentally was the other persons fault, or maybe you just had an argument with a family member, your electricity was turned off etc. The list as you know can go on and on. Now somehow while these things are all going on or even after they have already happened, you’re supposed to say "Thank You". For most people this is very hard to do while all these issues may be occurring in their lives. None the less, the Word of God instructs us to give thanks.

Minister Richard Altreche asked WOWgroup Global Fellowship NJ to take a closer look at the scriptures to see that God will never give us more than we can handle. We were reminded that we must be joyful always. You might be saying in your minds; “now you have got to be kidding me, I have to be happy and give thanks after my car just went through a house and into someone’s living room?

The answer is “yes” the Word tell us in Proverbs 3:5 “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.” We are to trust God even when things do not seem to be right to us. We were reminded that we must understand that the "Joy of the Lord is our strength."

If you are finding yourself weak during these moments it may be due to the fact that you are using someone else’s joy and not God’s joy. God’s joy is genuine. The Word speaks about many ways that we can receive God’s joy. Sadly many seldom choose to look for it through the scriptures. What they look for are imitations of joy that have no validity to them. They are oftentimes empty, incomplete and hollow. We need to depend on the joy that will continue to persevere even through the trials and tribulations that we may face.

Looking back now to verse 17 we see that along with being joyful we must also “pray continually,” if we are to be steadfast we need to be in communion with the Father. It is then that we will gain understanding, it is there that we will receive insight from the very one that has designed the purpose for our lives. We must confer with the chief engineer of our destiny. He is the rock in which we must lay our hope upon. When we come to terms and realize all of this we will see that giving thanks will not be so hard after all. Then we will be operating “In the Will of God.” His good and pleasing will.

The Power of Words

WOWgroup Global Fellowship NY

We first began with Cami Ortiz a young seven year old girl reading a verse from her Princess devotional book. What a beautiful moment we experienced in the presence of the Lord.

WOWgroup Global Fellowship NY was presented with three clips from Cloudy With A Chance of Meatballs. If you would like to see each clip click here:
Lab Coat
Dad's Approval
Real You

After we viewed each clip we discussed what we saw and what lesson we learned from each one.

Proverbs 18:21 ESV
Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruits.

Ephesians 4:29 ESV
Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear it.

Proverbs 15:4 ESV
A gentle tongue is a tree of life, but perverseness in it breaks the spirit.

Minister Tanya Merced focused on the three clips and shared that as a result of Flint's mother speaking life into her son's life he didn't give up. We see throughout the film that Flint states in his own words " From that moment on..." Although his future inventions failed Flint did not consider himself a failure. The reason why Flint did not feel like a failure was due to the fact that his mother changed a negative situation (teasing) into a positive one (perseverance). The mother deposited seeds that would later go on to multiply and produce good fruits.

On the other hand, Flint's father spoke death upon his son's dream. Flint's father never approved of his son's inventions. It may have been that his father wanted his son to follow in his footsteps and inherit the business. Another reason could have been he was embarrassed of his son or he wanted to protect his son from failure. We see Flint searching for his father's approval, but as a result of his father's actions it produced a strained relationship between the two of them.

It is the job of every believer to build one another and not destroy. We are called to encourage and to bring hope to a lost world. In fact we might be the only Jesus people see. Our life must be a reflection of the King of Kings. If we believers are speaking death (negative) than the only thing we will produce are rotten seeds. Remember seeds do grow and multiply under the worse conditions. What kinds of seeds would you like to leave behind?

Below you will find five simple things you can do to encourage one another.

1. Speak encouraging words.
You want the person to know that you care and that you know they can do it.

2. Encourage by cheering them on. (Praises help to motivate)

3. Follow the Lord's example. Be an encourager! (Psalm 10:17)

4. Think positive. Don't use negative words or ideas.
We all have challenges we have to deal with in our life, however, if you focus on the challenges you will never see anything good in your life. You will lose focus.

5. Pray and dig deep into the Word of God.
The more you stay connected to God the more you think like Him. Leaving no room for doubt or hopelessness.

Psalm 19:14,
Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Using God's Approach

WOWgroup Global Fellowships NY

At times it may be very difficult to do it God's way. Minister William Merced shared such a powerful message about using God's approach instead of ours.

We were asked to look at two pictures and discuss how these pictures made us feel. One of the pictures made us think of relaxation, joy, fun and the other made us feel sad, depressed, gloomy.

Matthew 6:22-23 (NLT)

22 “Your eye is a lamp that provides light for your body. When your eye is good, your whole body is filled with light. 23 But when your eye is bad, your whole body is filled with darkness. And if the light you think you have is actually darkness, how deep that darkness is!

Minister William Merced Jr. gave us examples about his childhood and shared how many of the things he saw he adapted, because he thought they were good. Moreover, examples such as smoking, becoming an abuser, drugs stems from what our eye sees and then internalizes it.

It is our responsibility as believers to represent the light and not to fill our eyes with things that are in darkness. One great example that was used by Minister William Merced Jr. was a conversation that he had at his place of employment. Minister William Merced Jr. stated " I found myself talking negatively about my employer and quickly I knew I had to stop and say instead of talking badly let us pray for that person". The conversation was quickly stopped, but Minister William Merced learned a valuable lesson he (the light) had the power to change the atmosphere from (darkness) back to light.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Spring Garden Party

WOWgroup Gelasia Women's Group Gelasia welcomed Spring with a Garden Theme Party. Throughout the evening the Gelasia ladies enjoyed words, sounds, laughter and food that welcomed Spring. Gelasia ladies played seed games, flower power games, relay races and as the night quieted down each Gelasia lady decorated her own flower pot. At the end of the evening prizes were won, flowers were sent with cards crafted with kindness. “Spring makes its own statement, so loud and so clear that the gardener seems to be only one of the instruments, not the composer.” Geoffrey Garsworth