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Word of Wisdom Fellowships Founded in 1982 By Dr. Sandrie S. Smith - We are Caring people partnering together to touch the world by building men, women and families of character, vision and action to confidently make a difference. Through our diversed programs we seek to be a community minded organization with the world in mind and you at heart. Where everyone feels accepted, supported, challenged and affirmed. We have a Global vision with a local view. OUR VALUES………DEDICATED TO SERVING... COMMITTED TO INTEGRITY…PLEDGED TO EXCELLENCE…FOCUSED ON FAMILIES.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

All Things Are Possible

Matthew 19:26 NIV - " Jesus looked at them and said, "With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible."  Today we began our WOWgroup Global Fellowship NY meeting praising and worshiping God.  Minister Tanya Merced ministered in a praise dance " He Wants it All".  If you would like to see the praise dance click here or visit our Media page. 
Andrew began his message by showing us a clip from (Cinderella Play) Shoe Fits.  After the clip Andrew told us that the message today is about focusing on what God can make happen in your life if you don't give up.  The prince in the fairytale Cinderella thought he would never find his love and grew desperate.  We see this by the prince's actions.  The prince charming went all over the kingdom looking for Cinderella and he didn't give up until he found her.
Then Andrew reminded us that in the same way God wants us to seek Him and find Him.  When we put God first all things are possible, even those situations where we feel hopeless and uncertain we need to trust Him.  When man tries to fix things we make a mess out of things.  When we decide to do it ourselves we are rejecting God and we are telling Him we don't trust you.
In October 2007, Andrew was in a school play called High School Musical and he told us that he had a very difficult time with many of the scenes.  He was so frustrated with the basketball scene and the teacher kicked him out, because he couldn't toss the ball to the other players.  " My weakness was basketball not acting, but I was not given a chance," Andrew said.   God, however, knew how much I loved plays and knew that I would play prince charming this year. 
"I have to say that I did get the role and learned that God made it possible!" Andrew said joyfully.
Thank you Andrew for reminded each one of us that even though we may have disabilities or circumstances that may appear impossible ~ God tells us to trust Him and seek Him and He will give us the desires of our hearts.

Monday, June 13, 2011

The Giver

WOWgroup Global Fellowship NY had the opportunity of examining their spiritual gifts.  WOWgroup first began their meeting by watching a clip from the movie XMEN, if you would like to see the clip click here.  After watching this clip Minister Tanya Merced shared on how difficult it is to use the gift of prophecy ~ speaking forth the word of God for the building up of others.  Just like the mutants in the movie XMEN we can feel out of place and uncomfortable if we are not sure where our spiritual gifts belong.  Therefore it is important that we study the scriptures carefully and apply the Word in our churches so that our "gifts" can be used to edify and build the church.

WOWgroup Global Fellowship NY had the opportunity of taking a Spiritual Gift Analysis Survey online and discovered that many of our strengths were actually our spiritual gifts.

Other Gifts The 5 Fold Ministry The 9 Spiritual Gifts
Romans 12:6-8 Ephesians 4:11 1 Corinthians 12:1-14
  • Prophecy
  • Ministry
  • Teaching
  • Exhortation
  • Giving
  • Leading
  • Showing mercy (compassion)
  • Apostolic
  • Prophetic
  • Evangelical
  • Pastoral
  • Teaching
  • Wisdom
  • Knowledge
  • Discerning various spirits
  • Speaking in tongues
  • Interpretation of tongues
  • Prophecy
  • Faith
  • Working of miracles
  • Healing

It is important to note that some of us may not be gifted in evangelism as others, but in Matthew 28:18-20 it states that we are called to evangelize whether or not we have the gift.  The Lord commands us to witness, love and to disciple the nations.  Our God will supply and equip us according to our need.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Being Process is Not Easy!

WOWgroup Global Fellowship NJ had an amazing time worshiping, praising and studying the word of God.  The message was brought forth by a wonderful teacher Yolie Rodriguez.

The Theme and slogan for the day 
"Being Process in the Midst of the Process There is a Process"

4 Key Elements that were studied:

1. Trust
2. Delight
3. Commit
4. Wait

During the lesson we were assigned different scriptures to read and we discovered that many of these scriptures not only dealt with Trust, Pleasure, Commitment and Patience, but Character.

One of the things that we discovered was that "Processing is God building a Character," which by definition means that it is a choice we must make. Trust is a choice element. In order for God to take pleasure (delight)himself within us we must make the decision to walk in total obedience.

"Our Actions define who we really are (Character + Integrity)"

WOWgroup Global Fellowships NJ realized that these 4 key elements need to be studied more closely and so we give thanks to God that Yolie Rodgriguez was able to bring forth such an awesome timely word. We know that there is more to come.

Scripture References:
Isaiah 26:4
Psalm 40:1
Psalm 112:6-7
Psalm 119:15-16
Psalm 62:5-8
Psalm 37:9

Which Road Should I Take?

WOWgroup Global Fellowship NY had a wonderful time praising, worshiping and studying the word of God.  Minister William Merced Jr. delivered an awesome and inspiring word.

Sometimes what happens is that when we go through things in life we go back to what we know.  We have to make a decision to let it go.  When we think things through we might get turned off and choose to do the right thing.

If its harmful to us we must stay away in order to move forward.

I would like to publicly thank William Merced Jr. for opening his heart and being so transparent with WOWgroup Global Fellowship NY.  Through Minister William Merced Jr.'s honesty about his personal struggles we were able to relate to the message of God.  The message that was brought forth was one of righteousness and holiness.

Scripture References:

Philippians 3:14
"I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus." (NIV) 

2 Corinthians 5:17
"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here." (NIV) 

James 4:17
New American Standard Bible (NASB)
Therefore, to one who knows the right thing to do and does not do it, to him it is sin

Minister William Merced Jr. reminded us that submitting ourselves to the Lord is a lifestyle.  When we submit ourselves to the Lord daily the enemy Satan has to flee, because Christ lives within each one of us.  The revelation that we received was that God is internal and when we have the Lord within us then everything that is external our actions ought to be a reflection of Jesus Christ (lifestyle).  When you accept Christ you are accepting His life-style.    Jesus was about the Father's business, which was people.  When you are in Christ and Christ is in you there is no more I.

We were reminded that Christ did not badger people to accept the truth, but He shared His wisdom and demonstrated His love.  

Question:  Which road do you want to choose?