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Word of Wisdom Fellowships Founded in 1982 By Dr. Sandrie S. Smith - We are Caring people partnering together to touch the world by building men, women and families of character, vision and action to confidently make a difference. Through our diversed programs we seek to be a community minded organization with the world in mind and you at heart. Where everyone feels accepted, supported, challenged and affirmed. We have a Global vision with a local view. OUR VALUES………DEDICATED TO SERVING... COMMITTED TO INTEGRITY…PLEDGED TO EXCELLENCE…FOCUSED ON FAMILIES.

Monday, January 9, 2012

What Happens When We Walk in Righteousness?

Happy New Year! Well WOWgroup Global Fellowship NY had a wonderful time taking a closer look at the meaning of Righteousness. The question that was posed by Minister William Merced Jr. was " What happens when we are righteous?

Psalm 112:1-10 (Contemporary English Version)
God Blesses His Worshipers
Shout praises to the LORD! The LORD blesses everyone who worships him and gladly obeys his teachings. Their descendants will have great power in the land, because the LORD blesses all who do right. They will get rich and prosper and will always be remembered for their fairness. They will be so kind and merciful and good, that they will be a light in the darkfor others who do the right thing. Life will go well for those who freely lend and are honest in business. They won't ever be troubled, and the kind things they do will never be forgotten. Bad news won't bother them; they have decided to trust the LORD. They are dependable and not afraid, and they will live to see their enemies defeated. They will always be remembered and greatly praised, because they were kind and freely gave to the poor. When evil people see this, they angrily bite their tongues and disappear. They will never get what they really want.

How many times do we picture a God who we must be fearful or afraid of? How often have we been " Forced to obey, because if not you will reap what you sow?" Why would anyone want a relationship with a God who has no compassion? No love? No Justice? Today we were reminded that when we worship God gladly and obey his teachings we are blessed. We are blessed, because God has made us " Righteous". In other words God has given us the gift of righteousness, which is Jesus. When we have a relationship with the Father we have authority to rule in the land the Lord gives us.

He loves us so much that this blessing is passed down to our children and their children. Why? The son will do what he sees the Father do. John 5:19 Jesus gave them this answer: "I tell you the truth, the Son can do nothing by himself; he can do only what he sees his Father doing, because whatever the Father does the Son also does. We are rich! Yes, the Lord may bless some of us with monetary wealth. But this blessing goes way beyond this. Our house (our temple, mind, body and soul) is blessed.

We can be a light in this dark world and draw others to the Lord. We can be the hands and feet the mouthpiece of the Father and lend to the poor. Surely we were called to be a blessing! Thank you Jesus for making me righteous!

WOWgroup Global Fellowship NY would like to wish you and your family a Happy New Year filled with blessings!