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Word of Wisdom Fellowships Founded in 1982 By Dr. Sandrie S. Smith - We are Caring people partnering together to touch the world by building men, women and families of character, vision and action to confidently make a difference. Through our diversed programs we seek to be a community minded organization with the world in mind and you at heart. Where everyone feels accepted, supported, challenged and affirmed. We have a Global vision with a local view. OUR VALUES………DEDICATED TO SERVING... COMMITTED TO INTEGRITY…PLEDGED TO EXCELLENCE…FOCUSED ON FAMILIES.

Monday, May 31, 2010

Focus on Perfection - May 30, 2010

By Minister Tanya Merced

Hurricane Harbor was a blast! Willie, Andrew and I worshiped in our car on our way to Six Flags Great Adventure. The journey about 45minutes to an 1hr without traffic. Since we didn't have any particular praise music planned, my son Andrew requested that we sing What it means? By Jeremy Camp. I am going to post the lyrics to this beautiful song so that you too can experience the power that transpired in our old beat up 1993 Black Le Toyota Camry :)

What it means By Jeremy Camp

I’ve been here a thousand times before...
Face down on the floor
Wondering how I even reached this place again

But you’ve shown so endlessly,
How your love pours over me,
No picture can re-create the beauty that I see

Show me What It Means,
To live my life a sacrifice,
If only I would realize how much
It took to pay the price,
I know I’d always give,
Everything to you

I want this world to always see
Your perfect majesty,
Reflecting from my life this brilliant poetry

Written all over this place,
The signs of all creation that you breathed,
Words can’t even state how much you mean to me

I want to face my very crime,
Of not always giving all of mine,
But I can feel the hope you bring to me

Perfect Creation

Since we were on the road and I did not plan a message ahead of time I decided that we needed to be very sensitive and have God lead us through the scriptures. Andrew and Willie waited patiently as I turned the pages of my IPHONE
. I was about to begin with Daniel, but I felt the Holy Spirit tugging at my heart and say go to the very beginning. Next, I asked Andrew to turn to Genesis Chapter 1 and we each took turns reading the scriptures aloud. We focused on the different things that God created and how He blessed them and commanded each one to be fruitful and increase. God reminded us that there was a conversation in the heavens and that when He created us in His image and likeness He said it was good.
Not only did God say we are good He blessed everything He made and commanded it to be fruitful, multiply and increase. We are called to worship God and produce fruit not only in us, but others.

Freedom to Love Him

The following paragraphs might cause several eyebrows to raise or heads to nod in agreement, but the truth of the matter is that I have made up my mind. Reading Beth Moore's Get Out of The Pit kind of gave me more of a push. I am not being prideful, but honest. I have to admit that years ago I would not have dared to go to an outing on a Sunday for fear that I was committing a great sin against God. I thought that I was not keeping the Sabbath and that I was backsliding. Then reading the scriptures, studying the scriptures and spending time with other believers who were free to worship the Lord helped me to realize that I wasn't really free to Love Jesus at all. Christians are saved by grace. When I read Romans 14:5-6 and Colossians 2:16 I understood that the bible has no explicit biblical command that either Saturday or Sunday be a day of Worship. These scriptures tell me that Christians have the freedom to observe a special day, or to observe every single day not just Saturday and Sunday.

Why am I taking the time to write this? Many of us feel that if we miss a day of "Church" or do not enter a building we are not right with God. Again when I read the scriptures it tells me that whenever two or more are gathered in His name that is where Jesus abides (Matthew 18:20).
Jesus said "I will build my church" (Matthew 16:18) Jesus believed the church was so valued and important to Him that He gave His life for it (Ephesians 5:25) We too are called to love the church as Jesus did. The Greek word for "church" is ekklesia, which means assembly. Among Christians the word means all who believe in Christ.

Theologians use Luke as example, the first time Luke uses it He writes, " great fear seized the whole church (Acts 5:11). Luke did not have to explain to the people of that time what the word church meant, because the readers used it in their everyday language. It meant all Christians, not just those who were present there. "The Church" means all disciples of Christ. It refers to people, not a building.

It is important to note that I am not advocating that we should be Lone Rangers, or that " The Church" not meet with other believers. On the contrary, (Hebrews 10:25) tells us that we should meet with one another. Believers need to fellowship so that we can encourage one another, have a sense of belonging, we need to be accountable to one another. God has given each person unique and different abilities so that we can work as one body (1 Corinthians 12:4-7). Together we can accomplish the great commission that Jesus commanded us to do and that is to go out and make disciples of all the nations.

WOWgroup Global Fellowship NY invites you to freely love Jesus with all of your might and understand that " We are the Church" and together we can make a difference.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Building Leaders Who Can Lead and Serve ~ May 16th 2010

by Minister Tanya Merced

WOWgroup Fellowship NY
It was a beautiful day at WOWgroup Fellowship NY. Minister William Merced Jr. and Minister Tanya Merced welcomed family and friends into their home. One of the most amazing things that happened during our meet was that WOWgroup Fellowship NJ and WOWgroup Fellowship NY both collaborated as one unit.
WOWgroup Fellowship NY was expecting 10 people at the meet, but the Lord doubled that number. One of the guest asked me if that was a bad thing? I replied of course not it is an absolute blessing! Truly it was a blessing.

Grace Flows Down
Truly this part of the meeting was very special to me. Let me explain why. First, I decided that although I am a plus-size woman now that I should not let that hinder my worship. Why do I say that? When I was younger and did not serve the Lord I was a dancer. I was not a professional dancer, but new every single street dance, club dance and modern jazz movement there was at the time. I was not a plus-size young girl and so I was very comfortable moving my arms, waist, legs, and every other part that could move to music. Then I met a christian plus-size woman who taught me how to praise dance. Truly I learned that the size didn't matter, but my heart in other words, my true worship was the key factor. I must admit that ministering in dance in front of people still makes me very nervous, but it's not about me. I want to thank Unashamed Outreach Services director Olga Robinson for inspiring me to dance. Thank you Ruthy and Melisa for making me excited about praise dancing again.

If you would like to see the praise dance " Grace Flows Down," Click Here.

Noah's Ark Story
WOWgroup Fellowship NY knows that everyone is accepted into the kingdom of God. Special Needs people are able and capable of sharing the gospel of Christ. Andrew in his unique way blessed our hearts. Although it was difficult to catch up with his speed reading and singing. He showed us that he was a team player.

Building Walls Activity
WOWgroup Fellowship NY gave a mini assignment to each team. Before we began the assignment 2 lovely assistants Briana age 3 and Cami age 5 gave each team a bag filled with wooden blocks. Each team was also given a sheet of paper and markers. The task was to build a wall sturdy enough to resist natural disasters and outside intrusion, however, everytime they heard a train whistle they had to come to a complete halt. The teams soon learned that the whistle was a bit annoying, but what was frustrating was rebuilding the wall everytime an outside force came. Thanks to my assistants who kicked a few planks. After the activity each team chose a speaker to share their experiences.

Building Leaders Who Can Lead and Serve
This message was truly a collobarative team effort. I taught on Nehemiah Chapter 2:17-18 and spoke about the importance about having leaders identify with the people. In order to rebuild or build as a team, a leader must first learn how to guide and inspire. A leader must also motivate others to see the vision. What better way of identifying with a leader who has a servant's heart first.

Then Minister William Merced Jr. spoke about using our giftings and talents to serve and lead the people. Minister William Merced Jr. shared his personal testimony and how he was able to make a difference at his job without speaking about Jesus. You see the presence of the Lord is inside of us and wherever we go we shine.

Dr. Sandrie S. Smith also taught us how Nehemiah created jobs for the community. Nehemiah was a business man and applied biblical principles and succeeded. Dr. Sandrie S. Smith reminded us that our first business is our home and that Nehemiah is a great example of man of God who put a plan of action in place. We were also reminded of God's plan for each one of us.
" For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11

Unashamed Outreach Worship Conference ~ 5/15/10

Unashamed Outreach Worship Ministry invited WOWgroup Global Fellowships to teach on the topic of Esther and Mordecai. Keynote Speaker was our very own Dr. Sandrie S. Smith and Minister Richard Altreche. It was an awesome collaborative team effort.

Mercy Seat
Minister Lillian Altreche ushered us closer to the mercy seat of the Father. What a sweet reminder that we can run to Jesus and find mercy and His grace, which covers us and provides the healing that we need each and everyday.

If you would like to listen and experience Minister Lillian Altreche's worship, "Mercy Seat" Click Here.

Dr. Sandrie S. Smith spoke about the importance of our first ministry, which is our home. Our first ministry is our family (Spouse and Children) " You want to be loved ~ You have to love," were the words shared by our keynote speaker. Dr. Sandrie S. Smith compared a patient husband on his wedding night waiting for his lovely bride to the relationship of Jesus. Moreover, Dr. Sandrie S. Smith emphasised that "God doesn't want to change who we are, however, He wants to sharpen us". Using personal stories and real experiences is something Dr. Sandrie S. Smith does proficiently and eloquently. The heart of the message is that God is consistent, patient and is always working in us. One of the questions that was posed to the congregation was the following: Are we perfect? You could have heard a pin drop. But then the word reminded us that we are indeed perfect, created in His image. The righteousness of God. Therefore we are His prescence. We must let God reign. Esther had the right identity. We learned that she knew how to function and when to move. Esther had the right character.

Minister Richard Altreche demonstrated how some of us don't get the position, because we did not act upon it. We are in a beautification process. "You have been put in a position it's time to act". Minister Richard Altreche reminded us that maybe we have a Mordecai who is telling us that is time. Do not let fear set in~righteous are we.

The important key ~ we have to be courageous, plan and make time. Esther did not move on her own.

If you would like to hear some of the highlights of Minister Richard Altreche's message
Click Here

Sunday, May 2, 2010

WOWgroup Fellowship NJ

Have you ever wondered what you would be doing in 5 years? I know one thing for sure that if you do not have a plan, but just a vision it would fizzle out in the middle of the year. Don't get me wrong there are many people who can make things happen, but at what cost?

May 2, 2010
First, WOWgroup Fellowship NJ mission to invite the community to 1976 Cedar Crest Community Center. Second, to create an atmosphere of love, joy, unity, and commitment. Third, to worship and praise the Lord in song, word, dance, and giving.

The WOWgroup Fellowship team was hard at work preparing for the first day at the community center. Many of the team members worked on making the canvas, brochures, dance praise, reading of the word, and teaching the message. Preparation is key if you want to succeed in transforming lives.

The Arts
The creator of the universe paints with His finger and gives each of us unique gifts. How are we to use those gifts? I am happy to say that the WOWgroup Global Fellowship NJ team are using their giftings to glorify the Father and to bring people to the knowledge of Christ.

The Word
What can I say, but " WOW"! I am so proud of Minister Richard Altreche and Minister William Merced Jr. Both men delivered an outstanding Word. Oh, how we learned about the Body of Christ and deformity in the Body of Christ. There is no room for having the wrong attitude or allow people to identify you, label you and create Frankensteins in the Kingdom of God.

If you would like to hear some of the message that was shared click below:

Minister William Merced Jr. "The Body of Christ"
Minister Richard Altreche "My Identity"

All in all, WOWgroup Fellowship NJ is indeed preparing their fields for the harvest. I am so happy that I was able to witness such a wonderful beginning.

The Well

by Minister Corrine Acker Smith,

Our First Meeting
On Friday night, April 30th, we had our first meeting of The Well. A group of believers, many leaders in churches, who want to have a corporate worship where God is able to move freely. There were 4 couples, 1 teenager and 9 children in attendance.

The Word
We began by reading the word. Hebrews 10:25, where it speaks about provoking/encouraging one another.
That word provoke means :
1. To stir to action or feeling;
2. To bring about deliberately.

My Word is True
Next we prayed. Then we worshiped with complete abandon! We held nothing back! God's glory was manifest with prophetic word and prophetic song. "On the mountain or in the valley, it is established, my word is true. I pour it over you, I pour it out of you." God spoke about the creative power of our tongue. We prophetically sang "Power, peace, hope and strength are released through me."The children also presented a spontaneous skit of two people who thought they were trapped on a boat. The people were calling for help. Jesus walked out across the waves, he took them by the hands and walked with them across the water. We are to be a people of action. Not only hearing God but deliberately acting on his word. Stepping out in faith to places that He directs us.

A Step of Faith
The Well, is a step of faith. God said, "start" and we did. I don't know where we are going exactly. But I am excited to be traveling this journey with God as the pilot!!!