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Word of Wisdom Fellowships Founded in 1982 By Dr. Sandrie S. Smith - We are Caring people partnering together to touch the world by building men, women and families of character, vision and action to confidently make a difference. Through our diversed programs we seek to be a community minded organization with the world in mind and you at heart. Where everyone feels accepted, supported, challenged and affirmed. We have a Global vision with a local view. OUR VALUES………DEDICATED TO SERVING... COMMITTED TO INTEGRITY…PLEDGED TO EXCELLENCE…FOCUSED ON FAMILIES.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Unashamed Outreach Worship Conference ~ 5/15/10

Unashamed Outreach Worship Ministry invited WOWgroup Global Fellowships to teach on the topic of Esther and Mordecai. Keynote Speaker was our very own Dr. Sandrie S. Smith and Minister Richard Altreche. It was an awesome collaborative team effort.

Mercy Seat
Minister Lillian Altreche ushered us closer to the mercy seat of the Father. What a sweet reminder that we can run to Jesus and find mercy and His grace, which covers us and provides the healing that we need each and everyday.

If you would like to listen and experience Minister Lillian Altreche's worship, "Mercy Seat" Click Here.

Dr. Sandrie S. Smith spoke about the importance of our first ministry, which is our home. Our first ministry is our family (Spouse and Children) " You want to be loved ~ You have to love," were the words shared by our keynote speaker. Dr. Sandrie S. Smith compared a patient husband on his wedding night waiting for his lovely bride to the relationship of Jesus. Moreover, Dr. Sandrie S. Smith emphasised that "God doesn't want to change who we are, however, He wants to sharpen us". Using personal stories and real experiences is something Dr. Sandrie S. Smith does proficiently and eloquently. The heart of the message is that God is consistent, patient and is always working in us. One of the questions that was posed to the congregation was the following: Are we perfect? You could have heard a pin drop. But then the word reminded us that we are indeed perfect, created in His image. The righteousness of God. Therefore we are His prescence. We must let God reign. Esther had the right identity. We learned that she knew how to function and when to move. Esther had the right character.

Minister Richard Altreche demonstrated how some of us don't get the position, because we did not act upon it. We are in a beautification process. "You have been put in a position it's time to act". Minister Richard Altreche reminded us that maybe we have a Mordecai who is telling us that is time. Do not let fear set in~righteous are we.

The important key ~ we have to be courageous, plan and make time. Esther did not move on her own.

If you would like to hear some of the highlights of Minister Richard Altreche's message
Click Here

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